Jan 14 |
Introduction, motivation, course mechanics |
SSBD App B.1 and B.2 |
HW0 (calibration) |
Jan 19 |
The PAC learning framework; the consistency algorithm |
Scribe note (Please feel free to make a copy of this as a starting point when scribing) |
Note 2 |
SSBD Chap 2, Sec 3.1 |
Jan 21 |
Analysis of the consistency algorithm; agnostic PAC learning; Hoeffding’s Inequality |
Note 3 |
SSBD Chap 2, Sec 3.1 |
Jan 26 |
Proof of Hoeffding’s inequality; Bernstein’s inequality |
Scribe note by Brian Toner |
Note 4 |
SSBD B.4, B.5 |
Jan 28 |
Analysis of ERM; VC theory |
Scribe note by Alonso Granados |
Note 5 |
SSBD Chap 4, Sec 6.1, 6.2 |
Feb 2 |
VC dimension examples; Sauer’s Lemma |
Scribe note by Katherine Best |
Note 6 |
SSBD Sec 6.2 - 6.5.1 |
HW1 |
Feb 4 |
Proof of Sauer’s Lemma; VC dimension of composite hypothesis classes |
Scribe note by Marium Yousuf |
Note 7 |
SSBD Sec 6.2 - 6.5.1 |
Feb 9 |
Uniform convergence via Rademacher complexity |
Scribe note by Brady Gales |
Note 8 |
SSBD Sec 6.5.2, 26.1, 28.1 |
Feb 11 |
Proof of uniform convergence of VC classes |
Scribe note by Yinan Li |
Note 9 |
SSBD Sec 6.5.2, 26.1, 28.1 |
Feb 16 |
Lower bounds of PAC learning with VC classes; fundamental theorem of statistical learning |
Scribe note by Xiaolan Gu |
Note 10 |
SSBD Sec 5.1 |
Feb 18 |
Error decomposition in statistical learning; model selection |
Scribe note by Jie Bian |
Note 11 |
SSBD Chap 7 |
Feb 23 |
Finish SRM; Adaboost and its training error analysis |
Scribe note by Yichen Li |
Note 12 |
SSBD Chap 10 |
Feb 25 |
No class - Reading day |
Mar 2 |
Weak learnability implies “linear separability” through minimax theorem; Margin-based generalization error bounds for AdaBoost and linear classification |
Scribe note by Ryan Sullivant |
Note 13 |
SSBD 26.1, 26.2, 26.4 |
HW2 |
Mar 4 |
Proof of margin-based generalization error bounds; Contraction inequality of Rademacher complexity; SVM formulations |
Scribe note by Ruby Abrams |
Note 14 |
SSBD 26.3 |
Mar 9 |
No class - Reading day |
Mar 11 |
ell_2-norm-based margin bounds; Extensions of SVM; Regularized loss minimization formulations |
Scribe note by Shahriar Golchin |
Note 15 |
SSBD 26.3; Chap 15; Spectrally-normalized margin bounds for neural networks |
Mar 16 |
Stability, strong convexity, and regularization |
Scribe note by Adrienne Kinney |
Note 16 |
SSBD Chap 13 |
Mar 18 |
Stability-fitting tradeoff; online learning: definitions and examples |
Scribe note by Sarah Luca |
Note 17 |
SSBD Chap 13.4, O Chap 1, Haipeng Luo’s online learning lecture notes 1 (which this lecture is based heavily on) |
Mar 23 |
Online to batch conversion; Azuma’s Inequality; online gradient descent |
Scribe note by Sheldon Deeny |
Note 18 |
O Chap 3, Chap 2 |
Mar 25 |
Analysis of online gradient descent; Online mirror descent: basic definitions (class meeting cancelled; Pre-recorded lecture on Panopto) |
Scribe note by Caleb Dahlke |
Note 19 |
O Chap 2, Sec 6.1-6.3 |
Mar 30 |
Online mirror descent examples: p-norm, exponential weights; Fenchel conjugate |
Scribe note by Erik Wessel |
Note 20 |
O Theorem 2.19, 5.2.1, 6.4.1, 6.6, 6.7 |
HW3 |
Apr 1 |
Online mirror descent analysis; Online learning odds & ends: unknown time horizon, lower bounds, Follow the Regularized Leader |
Scribe note by Yao Zhao |
Note 21 |
O 6.4, 5.1, 7.1 |
Apr 6 |
Online gradient descent for strongly convex functions; kernel methods |
Scribe note by Zisu Wang |
Note 22 |
SSBD 14.4.4, 14.5.3, 15.5, 16.2, 16.3 |
Apr 8 |
Finish kernel methods; online Newton step for exp-concave functions |
Scribe note by Robert Vacareanu |
Note 23 |
SSBD 16.3, O 7.9 |
Apr 13 |
Finish online Newton step; begin multi-armed bandits (MAB) |
Note 24 |
LS Chap 4 |
Apr 15 |
Explore-then-commit; Upper confidence bound (UCB) algorithm and analysis |
Scribe note by Jesse Friedbaum |
Note 25 |
LS Chap 6,7 |
Apr 20 |
Finish UCB analysis; Adversarial MAB; EXP3 algorithm |
Scribe note by Bohan Li |
Note 26 |
LS Chap 11 |
HW4 |
Apr 22 |
Stochastic linear contextual bandits and the LinUCB/OFUL algorithm |
Scribe note by Dan Li |
Note 27 |
LS Chap 19, 20 |
Apr 27 |
Episodic MDPs, Optimistic Q-learning (based on the original Optimistic Q-Learning paper and Haipeng Luo’s lecture note) |
Note 28 (page 7 onwards will not appear in the exam) |
Chi Jin’s RL theory course notes RL theory book by Alekh Agarwal, Nan Jiang, Sham Kakade, and Wen Sun |
Apr 29 |
Project presentation I |
May 4 |
Project presentation II |