Presentation information

General information

All registered students will be asked to give a 60-min in-class presentation on a RL theory paper of their choice. The paper should either come from the provided list of papers, or upon instructor approval. Before their presentation, a student is required to schedule a meeting with the instructor to discuss their presentation materials (slides, lecture notes, etc). Throughout the course, students are highly encouraged to meet with the instructors regularly on paper choices, reading progress, etc.

Here are some useful guidelines for:

Paper presentation ideas

Below are a few example research topics in bandits and reinforcement learning theory, each with a few “seed papers”; you can use the related work section in these papers, or use the “cited by” functionality in e.g. google scholar to find more papers on the same topic. Please also refer to proceeding pages of recent machine learning / learning theory conferences and workshops for more presentation ideas, such as:

Courses / tutorials in the Bandit / RL theory research community may also have interesting reference papers good for presentation, for example:

RL from Human Feedback

Distributional RL

Offline RL

Inverse Reinforcement Learning

Oracle-Efficient Bandit Algorithms

Bandits with model misspecification

Bandits and high-dimensional statistics

Bandits with large action spaces

Other models of bandits and interactive learning

Model selection in bandits

Offline contextual bandits

RL with a generative model


Regret minimization in RL


Function approximation

Nonparametric RL

Model selection in online RL

Multi-task RL

RL with constraints

Corruption-robust RL

Reward-free exploration; Active learning

RL in adversarial MDPs

Markov Games

RL and Control

Policy optimization

RL in rich-observation MDPs

Imitation learning